Here is today’s set of tracks
- Rock’n’Roll Submarines – Rock’n’Roll Submarine
- Angels Junk – Marrakesh Spices
- Ben Jonesy Jones – On Your Way Home
- Martin Grooms – Honey
- Filoxera – Las Horas
- The Displacement Method – Come and Go
- Miles Fonda – Emo Stormtrooper
- Ben Mason – Fuck It (Demo)
Opening monologue by Prince from “2045: Radical Man” (2004)
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Thanks for the boost!
- 5,000 sats from Randy Black of M2H2 (Mountain Music Half Hour) via The Split Kit, he says, “Kevin Bae of Sats and Sounds gets it; why doesn’t everyone else? Support these artists by boosting and streaming sats to return the value they are giving you with their artform. V4V is the way!”
- 2,222 sats from ChadF via Castamatic, no note
- 2,067 from Andy via Castamatic, no note
- 333 sats from ChadF via Fountain, he says, “Monday afternoon so that means it’s time for Sats and Sounds!”
- 500 sats from Durchaus via Podverse, during Lento by Fernanda Morgan
- 500 sats from Durchaus via Podverse, during “If 6 Was 4” by The Retrograde
- 2,067 sats from Andy via Castamatic, no note
- 100 sats from ImRonson via Wavlake, says, “Sorry changed the name from Uprising of the Damned to Digital Gluten”. I played a song called “Endless Nights” on Episode 65.
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