Here is today’s set of tracks
- Rock’n’Roll Breakheart – PANISEE Attack
- Rubber Factory Records – Too Many Daves – Awesome Town
- Rubber Factory Records – Too Many Daves – Hey Man
- Scott OBrien – 1984
- Lunapilot – Bitcoin to the Sky
- The Trusted – Lost Soul
- Ollie – Fingers Crossed
- Jack Phemister – Infiltrated
- Matt Johner – Wonder Woman (Live)
- shetz – the way
Opening monologue by Prince from “2045: Radical Man” (2004)
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Thanks for the boost!
- 100 sats from DJYo! via Wavlake, says, “Kevin, I really thank you for featuring my music. As V4V artists, we are grateful for what you do!”
- 210 sats from brrreadfan via Fountain, says, “Fair comment about the accent. “UK” is close enough for me as a non-english native. 😁”
- 555 sats from Salty Crayon via Podverse, he says, “Thanks for giving Brrreadfan – Fiat Prison Blues a go on Sats & Sounds. I guess I should have said the style was eerily similar not so much his voice lol Thanks Kevin”
- 1,000 sats from ChadF via Podverse, during My Crutch by Herbivore (Live B@B)
- 1,000 sats from ChadF via Podverse, duing Honey Girl by Jojo Scott (Live B@B), he says, “JoJo Scott had a great set at Bands at Bitcoin. Heard the live version of Honey Girl on Sats and Sounds!”
- 1,000 sats from ChadF via Podverse, he says, “Really cool story about the band reaching out and even giving you a promo code.”
- 1,000 sats from voltextzoodoc213 via Fountain, says, “🤠“
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